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Anna Mae Yu Lamentillo

Anna Mae Yu Lamentilloは、NightOwlGPTの創設者であり、AIおよび言語保存の分野でリーダーとして活躍しています。フィリピン政府での経験を持ち、インクルーシブ性と持続可能な発展に尽力しています。

カラヤ族の民族言語グループから生まれたAnna Mae Yu Lamentilloは、フィリピンの4つの異なる政権で勤務し、政府の階級で独自の道を切り開きました。彼女の在任期間には、フィリピンの「Build Build Build」プログラムや情報通信技術省の次官としての重要な役割が含まれていました。彼女は政府の役職を辞してロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクスでの教育を深め、その後Build Initiativeを設立しました。彼女のリーダーシップは、特に気候変動に対する母国の脆弱性に対処することに重点を置いた、包括性、アクセス性、持続可能な開発への深いコミットメントによって推進されています。


2023年、彼女はフィリピン沿岸警備隊補助隊(PCGA)のAuxiliary Commodore(一つ星)として任官されました。

彼女は産業と寛大の美徳に対して「Natatanging Iskolar Para sa Bayan」および「Oblation Statute」を授与されています。2019年には、ハーバード・ケネディ・スクール同窓会から「Veritasメダル」を授与されました。さらに、BluPrintからは「ASEANの50のムーバー&シェーカー」の1人、Lifestyle Asiaからは「18のゲームチェンジャー」の1人、People Asiaからは「2019年のスタイルと品格を備えた女性」の1人に選ばれています。また、Manila Bulletin、Balata、People Asia、Esquire Magazineのオピニオンコラムも担当しています。

A Letter from the Founder

Dear Friends, 


Today, we’re facing a silent crisis: nearly half of the world’s languages are endangered, and without urgent action, 95% could disappear by the end of this century. For me, as a member of the Karay-a ethnolinguistic group, this isn’t just a statistic—it’s a reality unfolding before my very eyes. Language, for my community and countless others, is more than words. It’s a vital connection to our heritage, our stories, and our values. It’s how we express who we are and where we come from. But these voices, so integral to our identity, are at risk of being silenced. 


The global imbalance in AI development compounds this crisis. English speakers represent only 18.7% of the global population, yet they dominate AI research, development, and capacity. None of the top 20 countries leading the AI revolution are from developing nations, leaving languages like Karay-a—and thousands of others—vulnerable to extinction. The digital divide isn’t just about access to technology; it’s about the survival of culture, identity, and entire ways of life. 


I’ve experienced firsthand the immense potential of technology as well as the barriers that prevent equitable access. During my time serving in the Philippine government, I saw the importance of building both physical and digital infrastructure to ensure no community is left behind. After stepping away from public service, I chose to continue my studies at the London School of Economics and Oxford University, driven by a determination to bridge the technology gap for communities like mine. 


This journey led to the creation of NightOwlGPT, an AI-driven desktop and mobile application dedicated to preserving endangered languages and bridging the digital divide in marginalized communities worldwide. Built on the belief that voices shape worlds, NightOwlGPT democratizes AI technology, making it accessible to everyone—not just speakers of widely used languages. Our platform offers real-time translation, cultural insights, and interactive learning tools, empowering communities to safeguard their voices and thrive in the digital age. 


NightOwlGPT is more than a tool; it’s a movement. With over 220,000 pre-signups and partnerships with NVIDIA Inception and Microsoft Founders Hub, we’re building momentum to bring this vision to life. Starting in the Philippines with languages like Tagalog, Cebuano, and Ilokano, we’re scaling globally to reach Asia, Africa, and Latin America—ensuring no language, culture, or community is left behind. 


Thank you for joining us in this mission. Together, we can build a future where every voice is heard, every language is preserved, and every community is empowered to shape their own world. 




Anna Mae Yu Lamentillo 

Founder & Chief Future Officer, NightOwlGPT 








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