Anna Mae Yu Lamentillo
Anna Mae Yu Lamentillo, pendiri NightOwlGPT, adalah seorang pemimpin dalam AI dan pelestarian bahasa, dengan latar belakang di pemerintahan Filipina dan komitmen terhadap inklusivitas serta pembangunan berkelanjutan.
Muncul dari kelompok etnolinguistik Karay-a, Anna Mae Yu Lamentillo mengukir jalur yang unik melalui jajaran pemerintahan, melayani di empat administrasi berbeda di Filipina. Masa jabatannya mencakup peran signifikan dalam Program Build Build Build Filipina dan sebagai Wakil Menteri untuk Departemen Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi. Dia meninggalkan perannya di pemerintah untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di London School of Economics dan kemudian mendirikan Build Initiative. Kepemimpinannya didorong oleh komitmen yang mendalam terhadap inklusivitas, aksesibilitas, dan pembangunan berkelanjutan, dengan fokus khusus pada penanganan kerentanan negaranya terhadap perubahan iklim.
Dia lulus cum laude di Universitas Filipina Los Baños pada tahun 2012 dengan gelar Komunikasi Pembangunan, di mana dia meraih Rata-rata Tertimbang Umum tertinggi untuk Jurusan Jurnalisme Pembangunan dan menerima Medali Fakultas untuk Keunggulan Akademik. Dia menyelesaikan Pendidikan Eksekutif dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi di Harvard Kennedy School pada tahun 2018 dan program Juris Doctor di UP College of Law pada tahun 2020. Saat ini, dia melanjutkan pendidikannya dengan MSc Eksekutif dalam Kota di London School of Economics.
Pada tahun 2023, dia menjadi petugas di Auxiliary Coast Guard Filipina (PCGA) dengan pangkat Auxiliary Commodore (pangkat satu bintang).
Dia telah dianugerahi Natatanging Iskolar Para sa Bayan dan Oblation Statute untuk Kebajikan Industri dan Kedermawanan. Pada tahun 2019, Asosiasi Alumni Harvard Kennedy School menganugerahkan Medali Veritas kepadanya. Dia dinyatakan oleh BluPrint sebagai salah satu dari 50 penggerak dan pengguncang ASEAN, oleh Lifestyle Asia sebagai salah satu dari 18 Perubah Permainan, dan oleh People Asia sebagai salah satu dari Wanita Gaya dan Substansi 2019. Dia mempertahankan kolom di bagian Op-Ed Manila Bulletin, Balata, People Asia, dan Esquire Magazine.
A Letter from the Founder
Dear Friends,
Today, we’re facing a silent crisis: nearly half of the world’s languages are endangered, and without urgent action, 95% could disappear by the end of this century. For me, as a member of the Karay-a ethnolinguistic group, this isn’t just a statistic—it’s a reality unfolding before my very eyes. Language, for my community and countless others, is more than words. It’s a vital connection to our heritage, our stories, and our values. It’s how we express who we are and where we come from. But these voices, so integral to our identity, are at risk of being silenced.
The global imbalance in AI development compounds this crisis. English speakers represent only 18.7% of the global population, yet they dominate AI research, development, and capacity. None of the top 20 countries leading the AI revolution are from developing nations, leaving languages like Karay-a—and thousands of others—vulnerable to extinction. The digital divide isn’t just about access to technology; it’s about the survival of culture, identity, and entire ways of life.
I’ve experienced firsthand the immense potential of technology as well as the barriers that prevent equitable access. During my time serving in the Philippine government, I saw the importance of building both physical and digital infrastructure to ensure no community is left behind. After stepping away from public service, I chose to continue my studies at the London School of Economics and Oxford University, driven by a determination to bridge the technology gap for communities like mine.
This journey led to the creation of NightOwlGPT, an AI-driven desktop and mobile application dedicated to preserving endangered languages and bridging the digital divide in marginalized communities worldwide. Built on the belief that voices shape worlds, NightOwlGPT democratizes AI technology, making it accessible to everyone—not just speakers of widely used languages. Our platform offers real-time translation, cultural insights, and interactive learning tools, empowering communities to safeguard their voices and thrive in the digital age.
NightOwlGPT is more than a tool; it’s a movement. With over 220,000 pre-signups and partnerships with NVIDIA Inception and Microsoft Founders Hub, we’re building momentum to bring this vision to life. Starting in the Philippines with languages like Tagalog, Cebuano, and Ilokano, we’re scaling globally to reach Asia, Africa, and Latin America—ensuring no language, culture, or community is left behind.
Thank you for joining us in this mission. Together, we can build a future where every voice is heard, every language is preserved, and every community is empowered to shape their own world.
Anna Mae Yu Lamentillo
Founder & Chief Future Officer, NightOwlGPT
Status Bahasa Hidup

Bahasa yang Terancam Punah

Bahasa Institusional

Bahasa Stabil